
All skill levels are welcome to join us for unstructured fun in the gym!
Check out our 2024-2025 Drop-In options below. 


Kinder Drop-In
  • WEDNESDAYS from 10:30-12:00 PM 

  • THURSDAYS from 10:00-11:30 AM

Ages: 6 years and under

Kinder Drop-In cancelled on: 

  • April 20th - for our Family Easter Egg Hunts
Family Drop-In

SUNDAYS from 12:15–1:45 PM

Ages: All ages welcome

Family Drop-In cancelled on: 

  • none to date 


Cost: $10 + G.S.T. per visit  |  10 Pass for $80 + G.S.T.
WRG Membership: $17 + G.S.T.


If you are not currently registered in a program, you will be required to purchase a WRG Drop-In Membership for $17 + G.S.T. This is an annual membership for insurance coverage through the Alberta Gymnastics Federation. If you are currently registered in any of our classes, your WRG Membership is also valid for Drop-In. A WRG Membership is mandatory for all programs and is valid from July 1st – June 30th. 


Payment Options - Drop-In participants can pay in person or purchase a single or 10 punch pass through our ProShop. See directions below.

To Register:

  1. Click to Register here
  2. Create an account and go to ProShop.
  3. Select Passes.
  4. Click on DROP-IN PASS (Punch Pass)
  5. Select Student & Add Pass to Cart.
  6. Check Out & Pay Now (or add more passes if you are bringing other children.)
  7. When you arrive at the Gym. Click on My Account.
  8. Click on Passes & then Use Punch Pass.
  9. Select the day of the week you are attending.
  10. Click “Punch In”.

    Click here to register

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